Carlos Vega Faúndez
“Museums are fountains of knowledge, reflection, and education. They are a place where painters around the world have found their inspiration. I am no stranger to this.”
Carlos Vega (B. 1972) was born in Constitución, Chile. Vega started drawing at a very early age and actively participated in drawing and painting contests, displaying a talent that quickly made him stand out in his school and his country—Chile. (Read More)
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At 15 years old, he met the painter Oscar Hernández Romero, who at that time was spending his summers in the city of Constitución. Hernández Romero instilled in him the value of the craft, academic learning, replacing the printed image with observation of nature and, most importantly: being able to come up with his own themes.
Wishing to complete his education, he planned to go to college and at age 24 he enrolled in the School of Fine Arts of the University of Chile in Santiago. He exhibited in galleries and cultural centers and won first prize at the 12th Autumn Show of the National Fine Arts Society in Santiago (1998). This prize had consequences for him: his painting professor at the university advised him to abandon his pictorial line (realism) since it was not compatible with the university’s curricula. In the middle of his second year of school, he left his studies and returned to Constitución.
After a few months, he got a call from Pedro Emilio Zamorano, an art history professor, encouraging him to participate in the scholarship contest held by the Contemporary Art and Authors Foundation (ARAUCO) of Madrid, headed by the painter Guillermo Muñoz Vera and the University of Talca. The scholarship was awarded to him by a unanimous vote, and in March of 1999 Vega Faúndez arrived in Madrid and was transferred to the Foundation’s workshops in Chinchón.
In Spain he won a prize at the 66th Autumn Show of Madrid and was selected as the winner in several painting contests and has participated in several expositions in Spain, Italy, and the United Kingdom. To this day, he continues to reside in Chinchón.
2019 Carlos Vega. 2019 Ansorena Gallery Madrid. Spain
2013 Carlos Vega “Volver a Mirar” [Looking Again]. Embassy of Chile in Madrid. Spain.
2012 Carlos Vega. Bocetos de Museo [Museum Sketches]. Legacy Fine Art. Panama.
2011 Carlos Vega. 2011 Ansorena Gallery Madrid. Spain.
2007 Carlos Vega Faúndez. Ansorena Gallery. Madrid, Spain.
2006 Carlos Vega. Arcadia Gallery, New York, NY
Carlos Vega. Ansorena Gallery. Madrid, Spain
2003 Carlos Vega. “Classicità e atmosfera” [Classicism and Atmosphere], Galleria Marieschi [Marieschi Gallery]. Milan, Italy.
Carlos Vega. Ansorena Gallery. Madrid, Spain.
1998 Art Room of the Ministry of Education. Talca, Chile
1997 Galería de Arte Fabrics [Fabrics Art Gallery] Santiago, Chile.
1994 Cultural Extension Center, Universidad Católica del Maule. [Catholic University of Maule]. Talca, Chile.
2019 Kiaf Art Seoul. Art Fair. Ansorena Gallery. Korea.
2012 ArtMadrid ‘12. 7th Contemporary Art Fair of Madrid.
2011 ArtMadrid ‘11. 6th Contemporary Art Fair of Madrid.
2010 “Réalistes espagnols” [Spanish Realists]. Galerie Taménaga [Taménaga Galerie]. Paris, France.
2009 Collective. Galería Mada Primavesi. Madrid.
ARTEFAIM 2009. Palacio de Congresos [Congressional Palace]. Madrid.
“Siete pintores realistas” [Seven Realist Painters]. Ansorena Gallery. Madrid.
2007 “La Scuola di Chinchón” [The School of Chinchón], Galleria 44, Turin, Italy.
“Lenguajes pictoricos III” [Pictorial Languages III], Galería Espacio de Arte [Art Space Gallery], Olías del Rey, Toledo. Spain.
“The School of Chinchón School,” Centro Cultural Villa de Móstoles [Villa de Móstoles Cultural Center] Madrid. Spain.
1st Prize, Teraike International Realist Painting Contest. Pintando la Patagonia. [Painting Patagonia] Museo Regional de Magallanes.
[Magallanes Regional Museum] Punta Arenas. Chile.
Centro Cultural Estación de Puerto Varas [Estación de Puerto Varas Cultural Center], Chile.
Museo de Artes Visuales Surazo, [Surazo Visual Arts Museum] Osorno, Chile
Corporación Cultural de Las Condes [Las Condes Cultural Board], Santiago, Chile.
Centro Cultural Borges [Borges Cultural Center] of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2006 Christmas Exposition, Sala de Exposiciones de La Academia [Academy Expo Hall]. Fundación ARAUCO
[Contemporary Art and Authors Foundation],Chinchón, Madrid, Spain.
“La Escuela de Chinchón”, Sala Amárica. [Chinchón School, Amárica Hall] Vitoria-Gasteiz. Spain.
2005 Christmas Exposition, Sala de Exposiciones de La Academia [Academy Expo Hall]. Fundación ARAUCO, Chinchón, Madrid, Spain.
“Realismos” [Realisms], Galería de Arte Nova [Nova Art Gallery]. Malaga. Spain.
“Realismos”, Cartel Gallery Mine Art, Granada. Spain.
“Winter Group Exhibition”, Arcadia Gallery, New York, NY.
Art Miami. Art Fair. Ansorena Gallery. United States.
Tetralogia della Natura:[Tetralogy of Nature:] Terra” [Earth], Galleria Marieschi, Milan, Italy.
“Hispanidad” [Spanish-speaking World], Galleria 44, Turin. Italy
2004 Arte Fiera [Art Fair] 2004, Fair in Bologna, Italy.
“Tetralogia della Natura: [Tetralogy of Nature:] Fuoco” [Fire], Galleria Marieschi, Milan, Italy.“Realismos” [Realisms], Castellana Art Gallery,
“Les réalistes espagnols. [The Spanish Realists]. Une autre réalité [Another Reality]” Galerie Taménaga. Paris, France.
”La Escuela de Chinchón”. Ansorena Gallery. Madrid, Spain.
2003 Arte Fiera [Art Fair] 2003, Fair in Bologna, Italy.
“Tetralogia della Natura: [Tetralogy of Nature:] Acqua” [Water], Galleria Marieschi, Milan, Italy.
“El vino en la pintura” [Wine in Painting], Cultural Extension Center, University of Talca, Chile.
“73rd Anniversary of the Chilean Air Force.” Hotel Meliá Castilla. Madrid. Spain.
“La Academia” [The Academy], Centro Cultural Moncloa [Moncloa Cultural Center]. Madrid City Council and Fundación ARAUCO, Madrid, Spain.
“Patios y Jardines” [Courtyards and Gardens], Galeria P.E.A., Madrid, Spain.
“Muñoz Vera y la Escuela de Chinchón: el paradigma constructivista”, [Muñoz Vera and the Chinchón School: the constructivist paradigm,
” Kur Gallery, San Sebastian, Spain.
“Muñoz Vera and the School of Chinchón,” Plus One Plus Two Galleries, London, United Kingdom.
2002 “Muñoz Vera y la Escuela de Chinchón 2002” [Muñoz Vera and the School of Chinchón 2002], Fundación Arauco and Ansorena Gallery, Chinchon, Spain.
“Muñoz Vera y la Escuela de Chinchón 2.002” [[Muñoz Vera and the School of Chinchón 2002], Ansorena Gallery, Madrid, Spain.
“Muñoz Vera e la Scuola di Chinchón” [Muñoz Vera and the School of Chinchón], Galeria Marieschi, Milan, Italy.
2001 “El agua” [Water], Ansorena Gallery, Madrid, Spain.
“Oleos y pequeños estudios de taller” [Oils and Small Workshop Studies], Fundación Arauco, Chinchón, Spain.
2000 “Realismos” [Realisms], Galería de Arte Nova [Nova Art Gallery]. Malaga, Spain.
“Realismos” [Realisms], Cartel Gallery [Mine Art, Sign Gallery] Granada, Spain.
14th National Ulpiano Checa Contest. First Prize.
Colmenar de Oreja, Madrid, Spain.
“El Bodegón en la Pintura Chilena” [The Still Life in Chilean Painting], Cultural Extension Center.
University of Talca. Chile.
“Muñoz Vera: Cinco miradas realistas y un punto de encuentro” [Five realist looks and a meeting point],
Ansorena Gallery, Madrid, Spain.
1999 “Entorno al Prado” [Meadow Setting], Galería de Arte Victoria Hidalgo [Victoria Hidalgo Art Gallery]. Madrid, Spain.
11th National “Parque del Buen Retiro” Contest, Casa de Vacas Cultural Center, Madrid, Spain
“66th Autumn Show”, Casa de Vacas Cultural Center. Madrid, Spain.
Eduardo Chicharro Painting Medal.
1991 Autumn Show, National Fine Arts Society, Santiago, Chile.